Hawai‘i Native & Polynesian-introduced Plants for Urban Gardens
Native plants are plants that occur naturally in a geographical location, meaning that the plants migrated to the site without human help or intervention. There are two types of native plants: indigenous and endemic.
Indigenous: Plants that are found naturally at more than one geographical location, not restricted to only one site
Endemic: Plants that are found only at one geographical location and nowhere else in the world
The Polynesians who first traveled to the Hawaiian Islands brought with them a variety of useful plants. The Polynesian-introduced plants that are included on this website are marked with an asterisk (*).
Pictured below are just some of the Polynesian-introduced and native Hawaiian shrubs and trees that are available at the Arbor Day giveaway sites. Note that not all species are available at all sites, and it’s a good idea to come arrive early as the trees are given away on a on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

Courtesy Forest & Kim Starr (USGS)

Courtesy Forest & Kim Starr (USGS)

Courtesy Forest & Kim Starr (USGS)

Courtesy of Fleming Arboretum

Courtesy Forest & Kim Starr (USGS)